Model A
1931 Model A full re-wire
This model a has come in a few times over the years for little things, extra cooling fan, radiator hose covers etc. while installing the fan we let the customer know that we should look deeper into the wiring as we found some questionable things. we fixed the few things we could see and set a time for him to bring it back. in that time, inside the headlights the connector was so cheap and worn down the headlight wiring arced. luckily the car was fine and we were able to get the car in and fully re-wire the car the right way per our plan. the wiring was fully removed and a new, more modern fuse panel and full wiring was installed.
Worst Nightmare
Nothing is quite as scary to a hot rodder as an electrical fire. Worn down over time you can see how the wires got closer and closer until they arced and started a fire. Many cars that come in the shop have wiring issues. Heating and cooling the wire over years of service plus many unskilled hands working on it over the years. We take the time to look at the wiring and fix what we can and replace what is beyond saving.
Make it Right
A brand new, modern fuse block and wiring was custom made for this build and it was sharp. Replacing all the wiring was the correct play for this car. It just had too many little problems. A full wiring harness solved them all.
Some before and afters and some prep of the wires for install to give them the longest life they can have.
Modern is a bad word at a lot of Hot Rod shops, we try to stay as classic and to the time that we can. When it comes to wiring, modern is a word you should love.
Model A
A true hot rod sitting in the speed shop.